September 13, 2024

FTC Brazil Serves the Most Vulnerable Children Amidst being a COVID-19 Epicenter

FTC Brazil---our newest global team—is making a difference for slum children in a city with skyrocketing COVID-19 rates.  Focused on the children of addicts in “Crackland,” São Paulo’s downtown slum, the team is aware of growing needs for food, water and sanitation.  The city’s hospitals are near collapse and turning away patients, and the lockdown has increased isolation, drug abuse and the danger to the children.

As the team debated the response, Co-Director Luciano Inhuesta fell ill with the virus and had to quarantine for weeks.  The team could only communicate via internet calls and intense online prayer meetings for the children they serve.

The answer to those prayers came with an unexpected gift--90 Children’s Kits with toys and hygiene items given to FTC Brazil by World Vision!  The team got kits to 45 of the slum children they serve and distributed another 45 kits to other local ministries working with orphans. It was a physical reminder to the children that their FTC friends had not forgotten them.

Distributing the kits also convinced the team that their plans for a future intervention camp and mentoring for slum kids will be blessed.  Luciano said, “Here in São Paulo at the epicenter of COVID-19, we could see God’s hand. These kits were a miracle of provision toward the orphans inside Crackland.  God will always be our good father and there will always be more space at His table.”

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