September 13, 2024

Safety First: How We Keep Our Children Safe from Abuse

Children living in foster care are vulnerable. As parents, caregivers, community members, and members of the church, we share a collective responsibility to protect and nurture them as they heal from the relational trauma they have experienced. For The Children believes that putting safety first is crucial for healthy interactions between adults and children, especially in sensitive situations. 

It starts with us. For The Children staff and volunteers demonstrate that they are trustworthy by undergoing comprehensive background checks, which include criminal records and reference verifications. Our “two-deep rule” requires that volunteers are never alone with children. In addition, every individual that comes in direct contact with our children receives specialized training on child abuse prevention. This means that they can recognize the signs of abuse and know how to respond promptly and appropriately to safeguard the children from further trauma while in our care. We are making a stand against child abuse with information, transparency and accountability. But, we can’t do it alone.

Children belong in communities that know how to prevent child abuse. Protecting children from physical and relational abuse begins in the home, and that responsibility ripples outward through the local churches and the broader communities that we exist within. Sharing resources is key to building those communities. Click through the headline links to visit our resource pages. 

Parents and Caregivers Come First

For The Children connects parents and caregivers with the resources they need. We provide guidance on topics such as child safety, online security, healthy relationships, and recognizing signs of abuse. By empowering parents and caregivers to ask questions and helping them gather the information that they need, we are creating a powerful network of adults to ensure a healing space for our children.

The Local Church Matters

At For the Children, it is our mission to engage the local church in building a world free from relational trauma. When a local church comes on board, we help them to provide training sessions for their leadership, volunteers, and congregation. We also assist as they establish strong child protection policies. 

Safe Communities

Safety is collaborative. For the Children collaborates with local organizations, law enforcement, and other community leaders to create secure environments for our children. This approach completes the protective shield around the children in our care.

The safety and well-being of children is our number one concern. Safety first means sharing resources for identifying abuse within our ranks, establishing clear and firm safety protocols, and collaborating with law enforcement and other community organizations to report and address suspicions of abuse promptly. This is how we protect our children so they can build healthy relationships in the Royal Family KIDS Camp and Royal Family KIDS Mentoring programs. 

Will you join us in building an informed, protective community where vulnerable children growing up in foster care can thrive?

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